Sign Up Frequently Asked Questions

General Product Questions

Reporting Questions

Data Importation Questions

Registration/Administration Questions

Security Questions

Direct Mail Questions

General Product Questions

What is and what does it do?

A. is a web-based application that offers real-time appointment management, patient management, patient retention, direct mail management and patient database management. creates management and marketing reports specifically tailored for managing an Audiological practice at the click of a mouse. tracks:

  • Appointment history
  • Direct mail history
  • Hearing aid history
  • Marketing referrals sends:
  • Automated time-sensitive, customised, patient-by-patient direct mail offers and reminders creates:

  • Daily appointment confirmation call lists and sales reports, referral reports, and management reports

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Q. How does work?
A. is a web-based application housed in a secure IBM data centre. Users simply log in to via the Internet. In the same way that you would log on to your favourite website, you can connect to and make appointments, send direct mail, manage patient appointments and purchases and view reports. If you have a web browser and an Internet connection, you are ready to start using

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Q. Do I need to be connected to the Internet to use
A. is a web-based application; therefore, you do need to be connected to the Internet to use it.

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Q. Do I need a dedicated line to use
A. recommends that you have a dedicated line because you will be online all day.

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Q. What platforms do I need to have in order to run
A. Because hosts the application, all you need is a computer that can run Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher. It doesn't matter what type of hardware or operating system you're running.

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Q. How do I get upgrades to
A. Because is a web-based application, any time we add a new feature, it will be available to you the next time you visit the website. There is no need to download any software or make system adjustments.

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Q. What involvement is required from my clinic's IT department?
A. None. applications are accessed through the Internet via a web browser and require no modifications or upgrades to your existing environment. All you need is Microsoft Internet Explorer (version 5.0 or higher), and you are ready to use Because there is no hardware, software, or network equipment to purchase, and the application is accessed through a standard web browser, your IT department will not need to implement or maintain the solution.

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Q. Is any training required to learn to use
A. is designed to be easy to learn and can be used immediately. Our customers report that is extremely intuitive and user friendly. If you know how to use the Web, you will know how to use

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Q. Is training available if I need it?
A. While training is not usually required, we offer free training for you and your staff. The sessions last less than one hour and cover typical usage by a user and an administrator. We will also send you a Quickstart Guide to refer to at any point during the session. Training sessions are held online, conveniently allowing you to participate right from your office.

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Q. What do I do if my Internet connection goes down or my computer breaks?
A. If either your Internet connection goes down or your computer breaks, you can call
888.881.SYCL (7925). If you have not already printed out your patient schedule and outcome forms for that day, will fax them to you. In the event of a computer replacement, you need not install anything other than an Internet connection and web browser on your new computer in order to log back on to We also keep a backup of all your data.

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Q: What is HIPAA?
A: HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability Act of 1996) is a US regulation designed to protect confidential healthcare information through improved security standards and federal privacy legislation. It defines requirements for storing patient information before, during and after electronic transmission. It also identifies compliance guidelines for critical business tasks such as risk analysis, awareness training, audit trail, disaster recovery plans and information access control and encryption.

The HIPAA regulation has three main components that apply to "covered entities" (a covered entity is any provider of healthcare services that charges the government or insurance for their services):

1. Standard Transaction Code Sets
2. Patient Information Privacy
3. Patient Information Security (both electronic and physical records)

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Q: Is compliant with HIPAA regulations
A: was designed to be compliant with HIPAA regulations as they pertain to the security of patient records and how they are stored electronically. We have had our system tested and have enabled the highest levels of security, which in some cases surpass the government regulations for security.

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Q: Are the other patient management systems available in the marketplace HIPAA compliant?
A: Other patient management systems installed locally at your clinic may not be compliant. The security measures needed to comply with the electronic security of patient files would be dependent on how your network is set up and the types of security access given to your employees.

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Q: Will my practice be considered HIPAA compliant if I am using for my patient management and retention system?
A: Yes, has taken care of the secure storage of your patient records electronically. The security of the physical files located in your office would need to be addressed at the clinic level.

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Q. What administration features are included in that I will have control over?
A. is very easy to customise to your specific needs. From appointment types and times, clinic hours and employee information, to discount levels offered by your company and security levels, makes it easy for you to customise and manage your clinic.

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Q. Can my clinic(s) configure
A. Yes, you can configure the following once you have been set up and given your main owner password:

Appointment types including length
Discount types
Extended warranty types
Clinic hours
Clinic contact information
Employee passwords
Employee contact information
Employee hours

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Q. How will my staff and clinics see my data without me having to synchronise it?
A. No waiting or synchronisation is necessary. manages one central database for your organisation. Whenever a user adds or edits a record, this information is automatically captured in the centralised database and available for others to see immediately (as long as the users have sharing privileges to view such data).

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Q. How do I remove an employee from the system once they have left the company?
A. Log in using your "owner" password; then simply go to the administration page and delete the employee's name and password.

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Reporting Questions

Q. What is a referral report?
A. The referral report details how many appointments and subsequently how many sales were made from each referral source. Referral sources include the Yellow Pages, newspapers, physicians, TV, other patients, direct mail, unknown and more. Every appointment has a referral source attached to it.

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Q. Do I need a report writer to create and run reports?
A. includes a number of pre-configured reports designed to help you manage your business. Revenue, binaural rates, close percentages and scheduling efficiency are just a few of the reports that are available for you to view. These reports can be pulled by clinic or provider, as well as date range specified. Marketing reports are also available; these include referral reports and clinic database reports.

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Q. Can I get my report information out of
A. All reports can be exported to Microsoft Excel™ and other desktop applications by selecting the "Export to Excel" button in the display of every report.

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Data Import Questions

Q. How do I import my existing data into
A. If your data is in an electronic format can import the data for you. If your data is in file or paper format, you will need to import it manually using the patient backfill area of the Administration section. You can, however, start using immediately and add your existing patient data over time.

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Q. How will my data be transferred to
A. If your patient records are currently in an electronic format, you can either email them or send them in disk format. We will import them for you. If they are not, we suggest you begin using and enter existing patient data over time.

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Q. How long does it take to import my data and set up my clinic?
A. This depends on the data itself; setting it up takes just a few minutes.

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Registration/Administration Questions

Q. How do I sign up for
A. Most users will sign up online, directly from the website. The process is completely safe and secure. If you prefer, you can also sign up by phone. Sales and support representatives are available Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time at 888.881.SYCL (7925).

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Q. How can I get access to
A. Because is web-based, there is no hardware or software to buy, install or maintain. Just point your web browser, Microsoft Internet Explorer (version 5.0 or higher), to the login page and log in.

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Q. How quickly can my clinic(s) be up and running?
A. With you can be up and running immediately. It typically takes less than 24 hours to set up your login and password. Importing existing data may take a little longer, depending on the format.

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Q. How much does cost?
A. is billed on a monthly basis. The cost is $149.00 per month, plus the cost of any mail that you send using

Most other patient management software available today costs between $3,500.00 and $5,500.00, in addition to a yearly upgrade fee of $300.00 and $500.00. This does not include costs for installing and maintaining software.

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Q. Is there a start-up fee involved?
A. For a limited time there is no start-up fee.

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Q. How will I be billed for the services?
A. Each month will bill your credit card directly for the service and any mail that you send. You will also receive an itemised statement.

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Q. What do I do if I no longer want to use this service?
A. You can stop using at any time. We will return your database to you with address corrected names, in any format that you request (tab delimited, Excel or CSV). Chances are, we will return your database in a better condition than we received it!

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Security Questions

Q. How can I be sure my data is secure?
A. has partnered with IBM as our data storage and hosting partner. Your data will reside in an IBM data centre in one of the most secure environments available today. IBM uses and often is the developer of some of the most advanced firewall technology in existence. The actual building is encased in two-foot thick concrete walls and requires hand-print recognition for physical entry. The data centre is directly attached to the internet backbone to ensure a 99 percent uptime; we also have two diesel backup generators and days worth of fuel standing by in case of a major power outage.

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Q. Who monitors the data?
A. IBM technicians monitor the servers. They are less than 100 feet away from our servers and monitor them 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

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Q. How do the technicians know if there is a problem?
A. They send a signal to our servers every five minutes. If for any reason they do not get a response, they are alerted and investigate immediately.

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Q. How many servers do you have?
A. We have two redundant servers. All data is duplicated on both servers at all times. If for any reason one of them has a problem, the other one takes over seamlessly and technicians are alerted.

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Q. How can I be assured my data will be kept private?
A. is committed to keeping your data private and secure. To this end, has expressly stated how we will handle your private data. For a better understanding of the legal obligations adheres to regarding data privacy, please refer to the Privacy Policy as well as the Terms of Use Agreement.

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Q. Does ever view or use my data?
A. No. As stated in the Privacy Policy, " will not review, share, distribute, print, or reference any such Data except as provided in the Terms of Use, or as may be required by law. Individual records may at times be viewed or accessed only for the purpose of resolving a problem, support issue, or suspected violation of the Terms of Use, or as may be required by law. Please note that, customers are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of their user registration and password."

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Q. Can I house a backup of my data at my own company?
A. You can receive a complete download of your company data on by signing up for our Weekly Export Service. Please contact your account manager for more information.

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Direct Mail Questions

Q. Can I still create my own direct mail pieces and use my own direct mail house?
A. Yes, you can create your own direct mail pieces and use to mail them. You can also download your database, create your own direct mail pieces and use your own mail house to mail them – all quickly and easily.

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Q. How will I know when direct mail pieces are being sent?
A. There is an area on that displays a list of all mail that is queued to be sent. You can locate this information by clicking the "Marketing" tab, then the "Pending Mail" report.

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Q. What is the price-per-piece charge for the automated mailings? Direct mailings?
A. Most items range from $0.45 to $0.65 per item plus postage, depending on whether you choose colour or black and white.

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Q. How does this cost compare to the cost of paying an administrative assistant or mail house to handle automated and direct mailings?
A. We estimate that if you pay an administrative assistant an annual salary of $25,000.00 and you have templates for all your letters, it would take approximately eight minutes to open the file, change the name and address, print it on company letterhead, fill, stamp and mail at a cost of approximately $2.30 to $2.50 per letter. This takes into consideration: employee time, equipment, letterhead, envelopes and stamps.

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Q. Will I be able to customise and add to the automated letters?
A. Yes, when you subscribe to we will let you review the letters that have been provided and make any necessary changes. In addition, if you have mailers that you like to send at certain specified times, we can set them up to mail whenever you want, to whomever you'd like.

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Q. Can I turn the direct mail items off and choose not to send them?
A. Yes, you can turn them on and off both globally (from the Marketing page) or individually for each patient.

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